2023 Event Recap: About the PA Action Coalition: Spotlight on the PA Nurse Residency Collaborative

Mar 30, 2023


The Pennsylvania Action Coalition (PA-AC) hosted a webinar series to share resources that we provide nurses across settings and how we can work together to advance healthcare in PA. 

This webinar highlighted the impact of the PA Nurse Residency Collaborative (PA-NRC) and how we can help you improve nurses’ transition to practice at your organization. The PA-NRC was established in 2016 as a partnership of the Pennsylvania Action Coalition and Vizient, Inc. to implement nurse residency programs in Pennsylvania and to provide an additional layer of support. All hospitals and health systems in Pennsylvania that have purchased the Vizient/AACN PA-Nurse Residency Program (NRP) are members of the PA-NRC. Learn WHY the PA-NRC was founded, WHO the PA-NRC is, and HOW we can help you in bolstering the success of your NRP. Additionally, if you do not have the NRP at your institution, we invite you to learn more about the PA-NRC and how we could partner to better support nurses in their transition to practice.

Audience: Nurses, healthcare providers, and public health advocates who may or may not come from healthcare organizations who participate in the PA-NRC. This training is for non-members, brand-new and “seasoned” PA-NRC members who are interested in a refresher and/or would like to learn about upcoming opportunities for engagement.

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